Andrei Riaskov's Public Code Terms and Conditions (October 13, 2023)

I. Grant and Scope of License

The individual, Andrei Riaskov ("The Author"), hereby grants to any entity or person ("The User"), a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, and royalty-free license to use, modify, and distribute the provided software and code ("The Code"). This concession is unequivocal and bestows upon The User the latitude to amalgamate The Code into their undertakings, be they proprietary or open-source, under any license they deem appropriate, without a requisite to explicitly announce or accredit The Author in any project distribution, promotional activities, or affiliated documentation. However, it is imperatively stipulated that The User shall, in perpetuity, acknowledge and credit The Author, Andrei Riaskov, in the documentation of their project by enunciating the utilization of The Code, and concomitantly providing correlative links to The Author's GitHub ( and LinkedIn profiles (, as an incontrovertible condition of this grant.

II. Obligation for Acknowledgment

Despite the liberality of the above-stipulated grant, The User, in recognition and respect of The Author's intellectual property, concurs to furnish obligatory acknowledgment of The Author's contributions wherever The Code is deployed or utilized. This acknowledgment shall, as a minimum, encompass a visibly placed hyperlink pointing to The Author's LinkedIn profile ( and GitHub profile ( within The User's project or documentation, ensuring accessibility and visibility to all entities interacting with the project or its documentation.

III. Disclaimer of Warranties and Liabilities

The Code is furnished "as is" and without any express or implied warranties of any kind, including, but not restricted to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. The Author expressly disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for any damages, losses, or other consequences The User or third parties may incur that arise from or are related to the use of The Code, including, but not limited to, any disruptions, damages, or malfunctions. The User unequivocally agrees to assume all risks related to the use of The Code, including acknowledgment of the potential existence of bugs, errors, or other issues that may cause system failures or data loss.

IV. Legal Recourse and Governing Law

Failure to comply with these T&Cs will subject The User to legal action, pursued in accordance with applicable laws. The User agrees that any disputes arising out of or related to The Code or these T&Cs will be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction, and consents to the personal and subject matter jurisdiction of such court. Both parties unequivocally agree that this agreement is comprehensive and applies to the maximum extent permissible by law in all countries and jurisdictions worldwide.

V. Global Applicability

This T&C is intended to be enforceable and valid globally, regardless of contradicting or varying legal provisions in different countries or jurisdictions. In the event that any provision of these T&C is deemed to be invalid or unenforceable under any applicable local laws, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not in any way affect or render invalid the remaining provisions herein, and such remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

VI. Notification and Rectification of Alleged Intellectual Property Infringements

In the event that any entity or individual ("The Claimant") harbors any belief or comes into possession of evidence alleging that The Code infringes upon copyrights, or proprietary rights, especially with reference to digital assets or content embedded within, The Claimant shall, prior to initiating any legal proceedings, furnish a formal notification to The Author, elucidating the exact nature and specifics of the alleged infringement. The Author, upon receiving such communication, shall act with due diligence to scrutinize and, if substantiated, rectify the alleged infringement by excluding or substituting the contentious elements from The Code. The Claimant agrees to allow a reasonable timeframe for the resolution of the matter prior to instituting any formal legal actions, fostering an environment of amicable resolution and minimization of unwarranted legal contestation.

VII. Effective Date and Succeeding Applicability

The stipulations, conditions, and any and all covenants encompassed within "Andrei Riaskov's Public Code T&C" shall be recognized as legally binding and enforceable from the 13th day of October in the year 2023 (hereinafter referred to as "the Effective Date"). Subsequent to the aforementioned Effective Date, these terms and conditions shall perpetuate in force and effect, influencing any utilization, reproduction, modification, or other manner of engagement with The Code, unless otherwise amended or superseded by explicit, subsequent legal documentation propagated by The Author, and subject to any applicable laws and regulations pertaining to digital content and intellectual property rights within the respective jurisdiction of enforcement. This clause is intended to establish temporal boundaries for the enforceability of this agreement, and it is incumbent upon all users, collaborators, and third-party entities to be apprised of the contents herein, bestowing upon them a clear trajectory of adherence from the Effective Date forwards.